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Ohio Commercial and Administrative Services

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inSource Global: Ohio Commercial and Administrative Services

inSource Global can support with all of your administrative needs. Our inHouse Remote Team will be seamlessly integrated into yours and be trained to abide by your protocols and procedures. We strive to support your vision and your growth, and we provide quality support in all of your endeavors.

Ohio Commercial Services

inSource professionals can help your business draft contracts, sign contracts, and manage risk.  We will work with your team to handle every contract.

When your team needs to have documents prepared and reviewed by experts, we can help your team ensure accuracy.

inSource workers can support your team and make sure all contractual agreements and payment obligations are being met.

inSource Global’s team can support A/R and A/P claims and save you time and money while ensuring that you get paid on time.

Our staff can support the tedious work of developing and maintaining your QA and QC plans so your local staff can focus on implementation and high value work.

Ohio Administrative Services

  • Back Office General Paperwork: No matter the industry, paperwork is a critical part of the documentation, recording, and data recollection. inSource Global will help your team maintain accurate and up-to-date document filing and digital file management on a daily basis.
  • Data Entry and Processing: Our staff can also support your company’s data entry and data processing needs, saving you time and money.
  • Safety Document Preparation and Revision: inSource Global can help develop safety standards and protocols for your projects based upon your requirements.

inSource Global is your source for experienced, low cost Ohio engineering design and project administration services. We provide teams of inHouse Remote staff who work for you on a dedicated, full-time basis, and who are supported by experienced ex-pat engineer managers on site in Vietnam, and professional sales and customer service support in the US, all under one umbrella. To learn more about our designers and how we can help with your next residential or commercial project, contact us today!